Sustainability & Environment Management

Ethical management

Code of Ethics

We declare the following code of ethics.

SR increases its competitiveness with transparent management for long-term growth and the company's interests based on its management policy. To this end, the code of ethics and ethical norms will be enacted as follows and applied to all executives and employees.

  • One,

    With the pride of being an SR family, we always act with dignity and reject all unethical activities in job performance and daily life.

  • One,

    Work and think creatively based on a customer satisfaction-oriented spirit that puts customers first.

  • One,

    Protect business secrets learned in business, maintain fair relationships with trading partners, and reject any acts that violate the protection of corporate property rights.

  • One,

    Based on self-improvement and active learning, we take the lead in rational organizational management that performs tasks fairly and transparently based on expertise with information and high ethical values that are faithful to principles and basics.

  • One,

    I believe that the development of the company is my development, and I strive to build mutual trust through mutual respect between executives and employees.

  • One,

    We strive to serve humanity and society and ultimately contribute to realizing the happiness of human society by performing our duties with responsibility.

  • One,

    We do our best to implement the above code of ethics, and we establish and publish separate ethical rules.

Rule of ethics

Basic Duties
  • SR aims to become a company that is trusted and respected, based on a management approach that is thorough in adhering to fundamentals
  • SR aims to enhance its corporate value by fostering continuous business innovation and growth. It strives to establish an ethical corporate culture,
    making it a company that customers want to do business with, shareholders want to invest in, and employees want to work for. SR is committed to growing and advancing
    together with all stakeholders.
Our Commitment to Customers
  • We prioritize customer value in our management and strive to provide the best products and services.
  • We respect our customers and always keep our promises to them.
  • We empathize with our customers and always listen to their voice (Voice of Customer).
  • We do not use customer-related information for purposes other than with the customer's prior approval.
Our Commitment to Investors
  • We realize fair profits through transparent decision-making and efficient management activities.
  • We enhance corporate value through continuous business innovation and growth strategies.
  • We respect the rights and investment returns of investors and provide timely and necessary information.
  • We comply with relevant laws and accounting principles in the processing and reporting of financial information.
Our Commitment to Business Partners
  • We pursue mutual trust, respect, and co-prosperity with our business partners.
  • All transactions are conducted transparently and fairly, and we do not engage in any unfair trade practices, such as leveraging dominant positions to make unfair or unreasonable demands.
  • We provide fair opportunities to qualified business partners based on fair and rational criteria.
Our Commitment to Employee
  • We strive to create an environment for self-realization By respecting individual creativity and providing equal opportunities for fair competition.
  • We do not discriminate based on educational background, region, gender, age, religion, or any other factors.
  • We establish a progressive corporate culture based on mutual trust and understanding.
  • We evaluate based on fair criteria and provide reasonable compensation.
  • Personnel decisions are made in accordance with the principles of fairness and merit.
  • We protect and support whistleblowers or internal informants reporting unethical or illegal behavior and make our best efforts to safeguard confidentiality.
Commitment of Employees
  • Ethical Values: Our employees uphold high ethical standards and strive to uphold personal dignity and the company's reputation. They make efforts to act in accordance with ethical principles.
  • Respectful and Healthy Relationships: Employees maintain respectful and healthy relationships with one another, refraining from giving or receiving bribes, gifts, or favors. They promote a culture of mutual respect and integrity.
  • Integrity and Honesty: Employees commit to refraining from engaging in inappropriate behaviors such as false reporting or lying. They uphold honesty and integrity in their actions and communications.
  • Compliance: Employees comply with ethical codes, applicable laws, regulations, and internal policies. They have an obligation to report any unethical situations or misconduct they encounter.
  • Confidentiality: All information acquired during employment is treated with strict confidentiality and protected in accordance with security management regulations. Even after leaving the company, employees maintain the confidentiality of such information.
  • Continuous Learning: Employees continuously acquire professional knowledge and skills, striving to establish the right values in line with the era of globalization and openness.
Contribution to development
  • As corporate citizens, we will respect national policies and regulations and fulfill our social responsibilities
  • We will respect the traditions and culture of the local community and strive to work for the mutual prosperity and development with the community.
  • Additionally, we will adhere to internationally recognized norms and standards regarding human rights, environment, culture, and economics, as well as comply with local laws, regulations, and accounting standards.

Practical Efforts

Ethics codes and ethics guidelines education

All employees are required to complete mandatory ethics education, which includes ethics codes and guidelines. The ethics guidelines outline procedures for addressing violations, ensuring that anyone who discovers a breach of the ethics code can easily report it. Whistleblowers are thoroughly protected and their identities are kept confidential.


We strictly prohibit bribery, corruption, coercion, and embezzlement, and we do not tolerate the offering or acceptance of bribes or any other means to obtain improper or unfair benefits. Through our internal control systems, we make every effort to ensure fair operations. As a result, we are proud to say that we have not had a single incidence of corruption violation to date.

Strengthening supply chain CSR managemen

We actively communicate our commitment to ethical principles and ethical management to all stakeholders involved in our business relationships. We do not tolerate corruption. We strive to protect our business and work towards the values that our customers and clients seek to protect. To strengthen effective CSR in the supply chain, we have established CSR management criteria and incorporate them into supplier evaluations. Going forward, we will continue to manage supplier CSR from a perspective of mutual growth, aiming to foster environmentally friendly and ethical business operations.

Internal declaration system

We operate an internal reporting and whistleblower system based on our ethics guidelines. We ensure that both internal and external stakeholders have a system in place to report any unethical activities related to our management, including corrupt practices. Whistleblowers are guaranteed protection through established procedures, and they can report through various means, including direct interviews or other available methods.

Policy of Personal information process






Denying Unauthorized Collection of e-mails
