Ethical management
Code of Ethics

We declare the following code of ethics.
SR increases its competitiveness with transparent management for long-term growth and the company's interests based on its management policy. To this end, the code of ethics and ethical norms will be enacted as follows and applied to all executives and employees.
With the pride of being an SR family, we always act with dignity and reject all unethical activities in job performance and daily life.
Work and think creatively based on a customer satisfaction-oriented spirit that puts customers first.
Protect business secrets learned in business, maintain fair relationships with trading partners, and reject any acts that violate the protection of corporate property rights.
Based on self-improvement and active learning, we take the lead in rational organizational management that performs tasks fairly and transparently based on expertise with information and high ethical values that are faithful to principles and basics.
I believe that the development of the company is my development, and I strive to build mutual trust through mutual respect between executives and employees.
We strive to serve humanity and society and ultimately contribute to realizing the happiness of human society by performing our duties with responsibility.
We do our best to implement the above code of ethics, and we establish and publish separate ethical rules.